Heather Allcock
Associate Professor
Ph.D. - Special Education University of Maryland
Brief Biography:
Dr. Heather Allcock is an Assistant Professor of education. Dr. Allcock has been teaching at the collegiate level since 2000. Dr. Allcock’s research experience includes using quantitative, qualitative and single case research. She has presented nationally numerous times for TASH, Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), the Teacher Education Division of CEC and recently was invited to speak to policy makers on Capitol Hill about research needed to further access of the general education curriculum for students with significant disabilities. She is an active member of TASH’s Inclusive Education committee and has been an invited expert for the National Council on Disability.
Area(s) of Expertise:
Inclusive education, designing inclusive experiences for students with autism spectrum disabilities and students with complex needs, development of classroom management skills in pre-service teachers and newly inducted teachers; teacher preparation for inclusive education, using multi-tiered systems of support to transform school practices, alternate assessment practices for students with developmental disabilities
Selected Publications:
Miller, A. Wilt, C. Allcock, H. Kurth, J. Morningstar, M. Ruppar, A. (2020) Teacher Agency for Inclusive Education: An International Scoping Review. International Journal of Inclusive Education.1-19.
Kurth, J. Allcock, H. Walker, V. Olson, A. Taub, D. (2020) Faculty Perceptions of Expertise for Inclusive Education for Students With Significant Disabilities. Teacher Education and Special Education.1--17.
Ruppar, A. Allcock, H. Gonsier-Gerdin, J. (2017) Ecological Factors Affecting Access to General Education Content and Contexts for Students With Significant Disabilities. Remedial and Special Education.(38), pp 53-63.
Morningstar, M. Allcock, H. White, J. Taub, D. Kurth, J. Gonsier-Gerdin, J. Sauer, J. Jorgensen, C. , . (2016) Inclusive Education National Research Advocacy Agenda: A Call to Action. Research and Practice in Severe Disabilities.(41), 209-215.
Morningstar, M. Allcock, H. Ryndak, D. (2015) In Julia White (Ed.), Preparing Students with Significant Disabilities to Transition to College and Career. (41 (2)), Washington, D.C. : TASH. org
Ryndak, D. Taub, D. Jorgensen, C. Gonsier-Gerdin, J. Arndt, K. Sauer, J. Ruppar, A. Morningstar, M. Allcock, H. (2014) Policy and the Impact on Placement, Involvement, and Progress in General Education Critical Issues That Require Rectification. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities.(39), 65–74.
Selected Presentations:
Allcock, H. TASH National Conference. The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH), Phoenix, AZ - "Teacher Agency and the Development of Inclusive Practices." December, 2019
Allcock, H. Kurth, J. Walker, V. TASH National Conference. The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH), Phoenix, AZ - "What Does It Take to Prepare Teachers for Inclusive Practices?" December, 2019
Allcock, H. Teacher Education Division . Council for Exceptional Children, New Orleans, LA - "What Does It Take to Prepare Teachers for Inclusive Practices?" November, 2019
Wilt, C. Allcock, H. Miller, A. Towes, S. Morningstar, M. American Educational Research Association (AERA). AERA, New York, New York - "Teacher Agency for Inclusive Education" April, 2018
Kurth, J. Morningstar, M. Allcock, H. Ruppar, A. Miller, A. Towes, S. TASH National Conference. TASH, Atlanta, GA - "Teacher Agency for Inclusive Education" December, 2017
Kurth, J. Morningstar, M. Allcock, H. Ruppar, A. Wilt, C. American Asssociation for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. AAIDD, Hartford, CT - "Teacher Agency for Inclusive Education" June, 2017
Kurth, J. Morningstar, M. Allcock, H. TASH National Conference. The Association for Persons with Severe Disabilities, St. Louis, MO - "Transforming Teacher Education Courses To Support Inclusion Specialists: Evaluating Effectiveness" December, 2016
Morningstar, M. Allcock, H. TASH National Conference. TASH, Washington D.C. - "Town Hall Meeting on Transition from School to College and Careers " December, 2014
Detailed CV